Week Beginning 15.01.18

Dear Parents/Carers,


In literacy we will continue to investigate the story Hercules and and the Hydra, and start to plan our own version.  The children have enjoyed creating a monster and have been battling it using the green screen!


We will be spending some time rounding numbers before we recap written methods for addition.


We would like the children to make a game or activity which can be used to practise their 1st rainbow target.  Please see homework sheet for ideas.  This homework has a later hand in date of 24th January.


Our Healthy Me topic continues with a visit from the Schools’ Dental Service to teach us about looking after our teeth and finding out more about sugar and teeth.


Please can children bring their toothbrushes in a small, clean plastic bag on Tuesday.  We will need them for the Schools’ Dental Service visit.

Book Week Competition

We will once again be celebrating Book Week which begins on Monday 5th February. During this week, we shall be hosting a visit by the  author A.F. Harrold. The Schools Library Service have organised a  competition which have been launched in assembly. The juniors task is to design the most delicious cake that they can think of! Please see our main home page on the blog to download the template.


Our school field is a little on the muddy side at the moment, so children will need suitable clothes and a plastic bag to put muddy trainers in on Outdoor PE days.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Year 3 Team