Week Beginning Thursday 10th May

Week Beginning Thursday 10th May

Dear Parents/Carers,

School closure reminder:

Just a reminder that school will be closed on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday due to bank holiday, INSET and Liberation day.  We hope you all enjoy the long weekend.


Thank you for all of your wonderful maps and fact files.  We could really see how much effort had gone into them and we hope the children enjoyed making them.

All children have now been given their new addition and subtractions rainbow targets, and letters have been sent home with this information.  For homework, we would like the children to design a game which allows them to practise their target. We would like these returned to us by Wednesday 16th May so we can start using them in class!


We will continue with subtraction this week.


We are continuing with our fables unit and will be finishing off and editing our writing.

Extra information:

Miss Strange’s class have their class assembly on Monday 14th May, please encourage your child to practise their lines and song words at home whenever possible.



Year 3 Team