India Schools Day – Monday 4th June

We will begin our India topic after half term.  As an exciting introduction to our topic and to help us learn about what school is like in India we will be holding an India schools day on Monday 4th June. 

Please see the individual class letters for further details.

Miss Simpsons’ Class:

Miss Strange’s Class

Mrs Le Prevost’s Class

Week Beginning Monday 21st May

Dear Parents/Carers,


Epic Week

Please check bags for letters which were sent home on Wednesday regarding EPIC week.  These include important information about what the children will need during the week.  Please note that school uniform is NOT required for the whole week.   We are looking forward to an exciting week!



Thank you for the superb effort with Rainbow Games, these will be used regularly in class to help the children practise their targets.


This week, we’d like the children to design their own giant, and come up with five important facts about it.  This will be used in Literacy next week, so we would be grateful if you could complete this by Tuesday 22nd May.



This week we will be assessing our learning this year and doing some problem solving too.  



We will be continuing our unit on Non-Chronological Reports, looking at The Torteval Stone Crusher. The children will be inventing their own version of the report.


Walk To School Week

Next week, we are encouraging children where possible to walk to school, as part of National initiative.  Hopefully the nice weather will continue!


Miss Strange will be attending the Jersey residential as a first aider for part of EPIC week, on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. If you have any concerns while she is away, please see Miss Simpson or Mrs Mason.


We break up for half-term on Friday 25th May. We hope you have a lovely break. School begins again on Monday 4th June.


Thanks for your continued support!

Year 3 Team