Week Beginning 27.11.17

Dear Parents/Carers,


We loved the children’s bedroom homework! There was such a variety of models, videos, posters and plans and it was clear how much effort the children have put in. They have been showered in house points.  

Homework this week is multiplication which we have been learning in class.


We will be completing our familiar settings unit by writing our own version of a warning story.  We are looking forward to reading these, as the children have written some excellent Horrid Henry stories!


We will start to learn about division, how it is linked to multiplication and written methods for dividing.


We will be learning about the differences between the Celt and Roman armies.  As well as more about Boudicca and the part she played in trying to defend Britain against the Romans.  

Have a lovely weekend.

Year 3 Team

Week Beginning 20.11.17

What a wonderful week we have had – our celtic visitor, Linda Howell, Live like a Celt morning and Children in Need!

Here’s what’s coming up next week…


Bedroom projects! This is a 3 week homework so is due in on the 22nd November. No other homework will be given this week so that you have time to complete your project.  However, Mathletics and Rockstar Times tables will still be available and please continue to hear your child read during this period.


We will be continuing our topic on familiar settings, and creating our own Horrid Henry stories, inspired by Horrid Henry’s Revenge.


We will continue to look at written methods for multiplication and applying these methods to solve word problems. Also, we will be looking at the properties of 3D shapes.


The children had a fantastic time on Live Like A Celt Day, and learned a lot about the Celtic way of life.  This week, they will be creating iMovie trailers to share their learning.  Then we will be finding out about the Roman invasion!

PE Kit

We have noticed that a lot of children are not bringing their PE kit in on the correct days, so we thought we’d remind them (and you!).

Miss Strange: Wednesday (outdoor) Thursday (indoor)

Mrs Karia: Monday (indoor), Wednesday and Thursday (outdoor)

Miss Simpson: Wednesday and Thursday (outdoor) Friday (indoor)

We will try to go outside as much as possible, so please make sure your child has suitable outdoor kit e.g. joggers and a jumper, as well as a coat.

Year 3 Team

Week Beginning 13.11.17

Dear Parents/Carers,


We hope your bedroom project is going well.  We look forward to seeing them on 22nd November!


We have started working on a Horrid Henry story as part of our familiar settings unit.  We have already done some fabulous descriptive writing which will be displayed in the Year 3 corridor.


This week we’ll be learning different multiplication methods.


This week we will be finding out how to live like a Celt. On Thursday we will be doing a range of special activities linked to the Celts. Please make sure your child comes dressed in their school uniform and has a warm waterproof coat and some sensible shoes as one of the activities will be outside. One of the activities will involve face paint so please let us know if your child has a medical reason for not doing this.

Children in Need

On Friday 17th November we are inviting children to help raise funds for Children in Need by coming dressed in spotty mufti.  We hope that you will be able to donate a small amount of money to this great cause! Headbands/wristbands will be sold in classes next Monday 13th and Tuesday 14th.  Children are only able to buy ONE item either a headband for £2.50 or wrist band £1.00 both glow in the dark.

Anti-bullying Week

Next week is national bullying week and we will be taking this opportunity to remind the children what bullying is and what to do if there is a problem. There will also be a special assembly on Monday to launch the week.

Year 3 Team

Week Beginning 06.11.17

Dear Parents/Carers,

We had a wonderful time at Candie Museum, the children were extremely well behaved and learnt many things about the Celts. Thank you to those who joined us on our trip!


We have been describing familiar settings, in particular the bedrooms of children from around the world.  For homework, we would like the children to think about their own bedroom. There is a choice of activity (see separate homework sheet) This is a 3 week homework so is due in on the 22nd November. No other homework will be given next week or the week after so that children have time to complete their activity.  However, please encourage children to practise their times tables, rainbow targets and continue to hear your child read during this period.


We will be continuing our topic on familiar settings.


We will continue to look at written methods for subtraction and problem solving.


We will be looking at Celtic settlements and roundhouses this week to find out more about how the Celts lived.

Epic Fridays

The first epic Friday is on the afternoon of the 3rd November and will continue for 4 weeks.  

Thank you for your continued support.

Year 3 Team