Week Beginning 04.12.17

Dear Parents/Carers,


We would like the children to choose an interesting animal that they particularly like. They should draw and label the animal and then write 5 facts about it.  Please note the earlier hand in date of Monday 4th December, this is because it will be used in Monday’s lesson.


We will be writing our own animal poems, based on The Snail which we worked on last week.


We will learning about fractions.


We are about to begin our Art topic. In this we will be learning about Kandinsky and contrasting and complimentary colours.

Christmas Plays

On Friday, we will be watching YR’s Christmas Concert.

Christmas Fayre

On Thursday afternoon, children can be collected from 2.30 to attend the Christmas Fayre with their parent/carer.  Children not attending the Christmas Fayre can be collected from the Year 3 door as usual at 3pm.

Raffle assembly

Raffle assembly will be on Thursday. The PTA are still requesting the following items to be used to make raffle hamper prizes:

Craft things – stickers, crayons, colouring books, paints, brushes, etc.

Year 5 Christmas Service

Year 5 will be performing their Christmas Service on Thursday 14th December from 1.30 at St Martin’s Church.  We will need parent helpers to accompany each class, so please let your child’s teacher know if you can come.

Year 3 Team

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